The concept of REIN started from a single Facebook post. Our founder Joy Baker came across a heartfelt plea on Facebook on behalf of a herd of feral horses that had ended up at a kill pen in Bowie, Texas. They had only days left to live before being euthanized. Joy felt the call to save these horses and immediately sprang into action. She rallied her amazing support system and animal network, and managed to raise funds, find homes and arrange transport for the rest to her farm in North Carolina.

Every one of the horses she was able to save made the long trip safely, and were unloaded as the sun came up over their new safe haven home.

It took months of love, care, patience and training for the horses to fully begin to trust again, but through the efforts of Joy and her incredible team, every one of them have now been given a new chance at a wonderful life. These were always incredible animals who just needed to be given an opportunity to learn to trust, know love and in turn show their personalities and potential.

It was this journey that prompted the idea for REIN. We are now a fully registered charity - tax deductible! - and ready to rescue many more equines in need.